Remember this blog is only for PC Games !!!
This blog is dedicated to every Indian who loves Pc games.Gaming has become a passion now-a-days.As we can see the game developers like EA & Rockstar are earning huge amounts in international market.But the Indian market is lagging behind,the sales of Xbox & PS shows the details.
Anyway there are many people who like to play games on their PC (just like me).Since an average indian cannot afford to buy a Xbox/PS, they like to play on their PC.Another reason is more powerful PC's are available at low prices.The cost of RAM & Graphics cards are also decreasing.
This blog will contain information about the PC games I have completed.All the visitors are requested to post their views about these games & also the other games they have completed.Please submit your game info to
- System requirements will be included for every game,so that new ones can know whether you can play the game or not.
- Trivia -something you may not know about these games.
- Cheats which will be helpful in playing these games will be updated on a regular basis.
- Screenshots will be provided (in future) to take a look how the game looks.
- Links to some superb gaming sites will be included very soon.
- News about latest games will be included soon in future.
The visitors can submit their game information & reviews to Please send "Game Name -Review Submit" as subject while sending email. The reviews should include: Developed by,Published by,Year of Release,Genre,System Requirements,Cheats.You can give your own rating on a scale of 10 (such as 8/10,9/10 etc.)If you know any interesting information (Trivia) about that game,please share with us.Credits will be given to the authors who sent those details.All of the information except Trivia & Rating are mandatory.Also note to send the FULL Name of the Game.Kindly send your reviews only if you completed playing these games.
Any of the trademarks, service marks, collective marks, design rights, personality rights or similar rights that are mentioned, used or cited in this site are the property of their respective owners.
Please inform about this blog your friends,relatives or anyone who have interest in PC Gaming
Gaming is a Passion