Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Published by 2K Games
Developed by Bethesda Softworks LLC
Released 2006
Genre Action, RPG

Description :

This is the fourth title in Bethesda's popular Elder Scrolls series. The world of Tamriel is threatened by a demon-prince from Oblivion. The Emperor Uriel Septim and his three heirs were assassinated. You, a former prisoner in the Imperial Dungeons, were entrusted the Amulet Of Kings by the emperor himself, and the mission to find the illegitimate son of his, the last of the Septim bloodline. The world hangs in the balance, the Septims and the Amulet was the last barrier between Oblivion and Tamriel.

The fourth Elder scrolls game sticks to the style of its predecessors. Action based combat, first person view (The game features 3rd person perspective but it is largely useless), unlimited freedom of choice. The game lets you play any character you want. You can go in and just kill every monster in your path with your huge sword, or use stealth and backstab your foes from the shadows. You can go into to the world and search for forts, caves, mines, old temple ruins or you can just do some hunting.

The character system, as was the case in previous games, is based on skill usage. When you use one of your certain skills, it improves, in time you become a Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert and Master and gain certain bonuses for the skill.

Requirements :

Min.OS Win XP
Min.RAM 512MB
Min.DirectX 9.0C
Offline Players 1
3D Accelerator
4.6 GB free hard disk space;
128 MB Direct3D Compatible Video card
DirectX 8.1 Compatible Sound Card

Supported Video Cards:

ATI X1900 series
ATI X1800 series
ATI X1600 series
ATI X1300 series
ATI X850 series
ATI x800 series
ATI x700 series
ATI x600 series
ATI Radeon 9800 series
ATI Radeon 9700 series
ATI Radeon 9600 series
ATI Radeon 9500 series
NVIDIA Geforce 7800 series
NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series
NVIDIA GeForce 6600 series
NVIDIA GeForce 6200 series
NVIDIA GeForce FX series

Trivia :
  • Oblivion was named #2 "Game of the Year" by Computer Games Magazine (March 2007)
  • Oblivion features 1500 NPCs that can be encountered during the course of the game.
  • The 'Shadow over Hackdirt' quest makes several references to one of the most famous novel by HP Lovecraft: 'The Shadow over Innsmouth'. There are references to the 'Deep Ones', the Brethren, a whole town of suspicious people, caverns underneath the earth and so on.
  • The game has been in development since mid 2002. The long period of development was necessary due to the implementation of a new Radiant AI system and the graphics. A player may encounter while travelling the world of Tamriel: 35.544 shrubs and bushes, 67.730 plants and mushrooms, 94.013 trees and fallen logs and 395,696 rocks !!!
Cheats :

Press ~ during game play to display the console window. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect Code
Spawn indicated itemadditem
Get indicated spell addspell
Force a level upadvlevel
Force skill level upadvskill
Complete all quest stagescaqs
Set all quest stages completeallqueststages
Set hair colorhairtint
List console commandshelp
Kill selected NPC target; suicide if nothing is targeted kill
Lock selected door or container with indicated lock level lock <1-100>
Add indicated amount of points to indicated attribute2 modpca ,
Add indicated amount of points to specified skill1 modpcs ,
Moves to current quest target movetoqt
Spawn indicated itemplayer.additem 1
Add 100 lockpicksplayer.additem 0000000a "100"
Add 100 skeleton keysplayer.additem 0000000b "100"
Add 100 repair hammersplayer.additem 0000000c "100"
Add 100 goldplayer.additem 0000000f "100"
Spawn Welkynd Stone in inventoryplayer.additem 00000191 1
Add spell to character's spell listplayer.addspell
Remove spell from character's spell list player.removespell
Add indicated amount of points to indicated stat4 player.setav
Set player level player.setlevel <1-255>
Set point of view angle; default is 75 pov
Give all spells to player psb
Quit game immediatelyqqq
Revive targetresurrect
Save game savegame
Set camera field of view in degrees; default is 75 setcamerafov
Set fog start and end depths setfog
Set character's famesetpcfame
Set character's infamysetpcinfamy
Change your gendersexchange
Change your birthsignshowbirthsignmenu
Change your classshowclassmenu
Show all log entries for indicated quest showfullquestlog
Show quest log showquestlog
Show current quest logshowquestlog 0
Show completed quest logshowquestlog 1
Show current quest targets showquesttargets
Show name/race/appearance selection screen showracemenu
Toggle NPC conversation subtitlesshowsubtitle
Window with the full game scene graphssg
Toggle AI tai
Toggle combat AItcai
Toggle no clippingtcl
Toggle AI detectiontdetect
Toggle debug display tdt
Free camera movementtfc
Toggle full helptfh
Toggle fog of wartfow
Toggle grasstg
God mode, if nothing is targetedtgm
Toggle landtll
Toggle leavestlv
Toggle menustm
All map locations showntogglemapmarkers
Toggle skyts
Toggle treestt
Toggle wireframetwf
Toggle watertws
Change weather instantlyfw
Change weather naturallysw
Release locked weatherreleaseweatheroverride
Unlock selected locked door or container unlock

1. For example, enter modpcs blade, 10 to increase your blade skill by 10 points; it will not set it to 10. Raising your skills in this manner will cause you to level up, but will not give you any attribute bonuses when you pick which attributes you want to increase on the level up screen.
2. For example, enter modpca strength, 10 to increase your strength by 10; it will not set it to 10.
3. Enclose the destination name in parenthesis if it contains a space.
4. For example, enter player.setav strength 60 to set your Strength to 60. This works for all statistics and skills including derived stats, such as Magicka and Fatigue. When you use this code to alter Magicka or Fatigue, you are changing the base value of the stat. For example, player.setav magicka 80 will add 80 points of Magicka to your character's base Magicka score. Changes made to skills using this code will not affect your character's level progression in the same manner as using the modpcs.

Weather codes:
Use the following entries with the fw or sw codes. If you add ,1 after the code (the weather override switch), the weather will stay like that until you either change it manually with fw or sw again, or you enable the code releaseweatheroverride.

Weather Code

Test Hall:
Enable the coc testhall code. Inside the Test Hall is a Creature Test room, an NPC Test Hall, a secret town called Hawkhaven, weapon, armor, clothing, low-high class decor rooms, and lockpick tests. Note: If you go in and just pick items up (if you have the God mode enabled) the game will be incompleteable. You will get quest items and you cannot drop them. You will be stuck doing different quests. Also if you pick up a lot of items the game will lag when you go to where you dropped everything.

No bounty:
When you have a bounty, enter third person mode, select yourself, then enter payfinethief as a code.

Hint: Easy magic skills increase:
Complete all the Mage Guild Recommendation Quests to gain access to the Arcane University. Buy the cheapest spell you can find for each of the magic based skills (Illusion, Conjuration, Alteration, Mysticism, Restoration and Destruction). For Destruction, a Drain Spell is recommended. Go to where you make your own spells and select a spell. Make it so you only use up 1 Magicka and the spell is on "Self". Name the spell and create it. Do this with all the other types of magic based skills then make them all on "Self", including Destruction. If you used a Drain spell, when you use it on yourself it may appear you took damage but you do not, because you drain it from yourself to yourself. Cast the spells all the time when you are walking around or whenever possible. Your skills will increase quickly without having to wait between spellcastings. Note: This trick will only work if the spells are cast on "Self". Spells do not count towards experience unless they have an effect on something.

Note: Instead of constantly casting the spell manually, enable the "StickyKeys" option in the "Windows Accessibility Options" section of the Windows XP Control Panel. Bind "Cast" to [Ctrl], [Alt], or [Shift]. Tap whichever key that you have bound one time while in-game to cast the spell indefinitely.

Hint: Easy skill bonuses:
Complete all the Mage Guild Recommendation Quests to gain access to the Arcane University. Create a Fortify Skill 100 spell that lasts for a few seconds on self for Mercantile and/or Armorer. With the Mercantile spell, cast it in front of a merchant, activate them, and you will be able to invest 500 gold at their store without being a Master in Mercantile. In addition, you can drive harder bargains. For Armorer, cast the spell and then equip an Armorer's Hammer. Your hammer can be used infinitely without being a Master Armorer. You cannot, however, repair magical items without having legitimately reached the Journeyman Armorer level. Similar spells can be created for other attributes and/or skills: Personality and Speechcraft for raising people's dispositions, Security for picking any lock, etc.

Hint: Easy Acrobatic experience:
To gain easy Acrobatic experience, just jump around everywhere you go. You can gain many levels just by jumping while moving to other destinations.

Find a place with a low roof or ceiling, or get on top of something to make the ceiling or roof closer to you. Start jumping repeatedly and you will hit the ceiling or roof and come down from fast. This allows you to jump at very fast speeds depending on how close you are to the ceiling or roof.

Hint: Easy Alchemy experience:
Steal a mortar and pestle. Steal a lot of food items and turn them into potions. It should not take too long before you reach the Master Of Alchemy level.

Hint: Easy Armorer experience:
There is a woman named Arvena Thelas in the town of Anvil who has four rats in her basement (the same as the first Fighter's Guild quest). If your level is high enough that rats do not cause you significant damage, you can break into her house, annoy the rats by punching them (or casting drain fatigue spells if your punch is too strong), then letting all four rats attack you while you just cast an occasional heal spell. This is also useful for raising your Block skill, and is much easier than repeatedly causing summoned monsters to attack you.

Gain access to the Arcane University. Go to where you make spells and make a spell that damages armor and put it on "self." Use the "Duplicate items" glitch on repair hammers then just cast and repair to get the skill up.

Finish the final Umbacano mission using the option of giving him the fake crown. After the mission is complete, take the crown off his corpse. The crown is broken and does not have a health percentage. Buy many hammers and keep repairing it. Because it has no health you can repair it an unlimited amount of times, raising your Armorer skill quickly.

Hint: Easy Athletics experience:
Get an enchanted amulet, ring, or other item you can enchant with Water Breathing. Make sure it is a constant effect. Equip the item with Water Breathing then jump in some water. Swim to the bottom and just keep swimming into the floor. Your Athletics will greatly increase in five minutes.

Hint: Easy Blade experience:
Use the following trick to master your Blade skill quickly. Go to the Imperial Waterfront then go directly south from there. After awhile you should find a place called Faregyl Inn. Once inside, talk to Alix Lencolia. He will master your Blade skill. Note: You hould have at least 9,000 gold, but you do not have to do it all at once.

Hint: Easy Combat experience:
Use the following trick for an easy Strength Bonus modifier and Combat experience. Go to the Imperial City Market District near the gate to the central circular plaza where there are ramps leading down to a pond area. Stand in the water at the base of the ramp (not submerged or you cannot conjure). Face up the ramp and summon skeleton conjuration magic. It will summon behind you in the water. If it is on the ramp in front of you just push it in the water. The skeleton will not fight back while submerged in the water. Buy a very basic weapon of each class and set the difficulty to very hard. Raise your hand-to-hand, blade, and blunt skill by ten levels in total, not each one. Then rest at the Merchants Inn. It helps if you include two of these skills as your major skills. Each level you will get the +5 strength modifier, and can easily get to 100 Strength within the first ten levels if you start the game with summon skeleton. Try this trick with other more powerful summon monsters for later levels. This is also an easy way to build conjuration and if you have the patience and arrows, Marksman experience.

Hint: Easy Conjuration experience:
Near the town of Bruna, go east, southeast. If you reach The Red Ruby Cave you went too far. You will need to go back west slightly. You should see a shrine, that will once activated, will give you Conjuration points as well as a temporary bound weapon and/or greaves. You can keep activating the shrine every 24 hours. Wait in front of it for 24 hours, then activate it again. Repeat this as many times as desired.

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