Published by Ubisoft Entertainment SA
Developed by Ubisoft Shanghai Studios
Released 2006
Genre Action, Strategy
Description :
In Sam Fisher's first next generation adventure, the splinter cell has a tragedy befall him. Shortly thereafter, Sam's life collapses around him. He becomes more distant from Third Echelon. In fact, he even goes so far as to get himself arrested.
But it's all part of the plan. Sam Fisher is now a double agent, working for both the NSA and a terrorist organization known as the JBA, or John Brown's Army. Sam is for the most part a good guy still. But will that remain? Will Sam do good for the NSA and bring the organization to justice, or will the lure of the terrorist group overpower and overcome Sam?
The choices you make affect that outcome. Moral questions will pop up in various places throughout the game. Do you shoot a prisoner to earn trust with the JBA, or do you hold off, keeping the NSA on your side? Whatever outcome you decide on, your trust with one will go down and the other will go up. This trust system is a new addition to Double Agent.
As you work your way through ten missions, your best friends are shadow and silence. You can go in guns blazing, but you won't get far. As a master spy, Sam will have to sneak around crates and walls, hide under vehicles and tables, sneak through highly guarded areas, and bypass electronic, fingerprint, voiceprint and retinal locked doors. You must interrogate or hack for keycodes and combinations, and you have the choice of knocking an enemy unconscious or killing them. When hanging by a rail, you can let an enemy guard walk by, or reach up, grab him and throw him to his death. Your best weapon is your mouth. Lure an enemy to your location by whistling, then sneak around him as he abandons his patrol to find the source of the noise. Your configurable weapon is really a backup.
Sam will go on many missions as a double agent. You'll be visiting the JBA headquarters in New York City, you'll travel to the Congo to rescue a soldier, you'll board a cruise ship in Cozumel wearing shorts in broad daylight with minimal cover, forcing you to change your stealth patterns. You'll wind up in the middle of a wartorn city, in the middle of a battle between guerrillas and the military, both of which want you dead. Your missions are varied, and all can be completed without firing a single bullet.
Multiplayer is similar to the past Splinter Cell games. You take on the role of either a spy or a mercenary; spies are played from the standard, third-person perspective, while mercs are played from the first-person perspective. Spies are tasked with stealing sensitive documents; mercs are tasked with killing the spies and protecting the documents. Each side has its own unique weapons and items. Spies do not have conventional weaponry, meaning nothing that can kill a merc, but they have several gadgets and devices to help them. Mercs are blessed with a high-powered rifle, grenades, and the ability to toggle various vision modes.
The PS3 version includes some additional content: a new female spy character (multiplayer), two new maps based on a new environment (multiplayer), a new set of co-op challenges and some refinements for the existing content.
Requirements :
Min.OS Win 2000
Min.DirectX 9.0C
DVD ROM Speed 4X
Offline Players 1
Online Players 6
3D Accelerator
Cheats :
Create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "splintercelluser" and "splintercelluser1" files in the "\ubisoft\tom clancy's splinter cell double agent\scda-offline\system" folder. Scroll down until you find the area with the key bindings.
For example, use [F2] to [F4] and bind one of the following codes to a function key as indicated. Press it during game play to toggle the corresponding cheat function. Note: The game may crash after some time. For example:
Effect | Code |
Flight mode | fly |
Invisible to NPCs | invisible 1 |
Invincibility | invincible 1 |
Get health | health |
Get ammunition | ammo |
No clipping mode | ghost |
Disable no clipping and flight modes | walk |
Freeze enemies | playersonly |
Kill all enemies | killpawns |
Spawn airfoil round | summon echeloningredient.eringairfoilround |
Spawn flashbang | summon echeloningredient.eflashbang |
Spawn frag grenade | summon echeloningredient.efraggrenade |
Spawn smoke grenade | summon echeloningredient.esmokegrenade |
Spawn sticky camera | summon echeloningredient.estickycamera |
Spawn sticky shocker | summon echeloningredient.estickyshocker |
Spawn wallmine | summon echeloningredient.ewallmine |
Elite mode:
Successfully complete Solo mode.
Hint: Alternate endings:
Complete the indicated task during the final mission to see the corresponding ending after the bomb is disarmed.
Ending A (Good): Have NSA trust above 33% and save at least two of the three targets (cruise ship, Hisham, and Lambert).
Ending B (Normal): Have NSA trust below 33%, and save the cruise ship, Hisham, and Lambert. Alternately, allow two of the targets be destroyed but have NSA trust above 33%.
Ending C (Bad): Destroy all three targets. Alternately, destroy two targets and have NSA trust below 33%.
Hint: Bonus equipment:
Complete the following special objectives in single player mode to unlock the corresponding item.
Electric Lock Pick: Primary objectives in JBA HQ 1.
EMP Device - Enhanced: Primary objectives in JBA HQ 1.
EMP Grenade: Secondary objectives in the Iceland Assignment.
EMP Grenade - Attachment: Secondary objectives in the Cozumel Assignment.
Explosive Sticky Camera-Attachment: Secondary objectives in the Iceland Assignment.
Frag Grenade - Attachment: Primary objectives in JBA HQ 3.
Gas Grenade: Primary objectives in JBA HQ 1.
Gas Grenade - Attachment: Secondary objectives in the Cozumel Assignment.
Hacking Device - Force Hack Upgrade: Primary objectives in JBA HQ 2.
Hacking Device - Software Upgrade: Secondary objectives in the Shanghai Assignment.
Night Vision - Enhanced: Primary objectives in JBA HQ 3.
Shotgun Shell - Attachment: Secondary objectives in the Okhotsk Assignment.
Smoke Grenade - Attachment: Secondary objectives in the Shanghai Assignment.
Sonic Grenade - Attachment: Primary objectives in JBA HQ 2.
Ultrasonic emitter: Secondary objectives in the Ellsworth Assignment.
Wall Mine - Flash: Secondary objectives in the Okhotsk Assignment.
Wall Mine-stun: Secondary objectives in the Ellsworth Assignment.
Hint: Ellsworth Penitentiary: Get back to cell:
When you sneak out of your cell by crawling under the bed and getting the walkie-talkie, you must get back under the time limit. When you are up on the grating, instead of taking the pipe down drop off. You will knock out a guard. Then, go back to your cell and act normal. The grating is the only way down.
Hint: Kinshasa: Extended level:
At the end of the ninth mission, Kinshasa, when you have a sniper to shoot Hamza Hishima do not shoot him. If you do you will complete the mission. If you do not, the crane you are on will fall down. Then Emile will yell at Sam for missing Hishima. Sam angrily turns off his radio and the level in now extended for several minutes.
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